977 55 30 73 asesa@asesa.es

Welcome to ASESA!

Welcome to ASESA

We welcome you to ASESA, a company dedicated to oil refining with more than 54 years of experience. Our main objective is to obtain asphaltic bitumen adapted to any market need, always taking into account our values and our principles. We base our work on progress and sustainability.

Welcome to ASESA

The ASESA Refinery processes heavy and extra heavy crude oil, in order to obtain asphalt distillates and bitumen.

Welcome to ASESA

The ASESA Combined Cycle Cogeneration Plant uses natural gas as fuel to produce the steam and electrical energy needs of the Refinery. For any questions you can contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

ASESA is an Oil Refining Company specializing in asphalt production. The company is the leader in its sector; ASESA’s unique production center was founded in Tarragona, more than half a century ago. ASESA also manages a Port Facility where it receives and issues most of its raw materials and products.

To achieve our goals, we have a skilled and efficient work team, a high level of specialization, continuous training and constant professional recycling. All of these components of our company constitute our greatest assets.

We focus our refining activity on efficiency, innovation sustainability, and a strict criteria for safety. Our mission includes creating wealth and value for the territory.

Under these principles, we are firmly committed to Corporate Social Responsibility, and participate in several local projects. We want to consolidate the commitment that we have with society as a hallmark of our company image.

Welcome to ASESA!

Francisco Javier Claver

Contact us


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