977 55 30 73 asesa@asesa.es

Products and services

Products and services

In the ASESA refinery we offer different services related to the asphalt bitumen refining. Starting from three large paving bitumen families, at ASESA we produce all product ranges on the market, both according to CE standards and PG standards.

Products and services

In ASESA it operates the Port of Tarragona and through it exports its products with ships. Another of the products and services offered by ASESA is Electricity Generation, as it has a combined cycle cogeneration plant with high efficiency of electric power. https://asesa.es/en/progress-and-sustainability/

Products and services

Learn about our history and discover ASESA: https://asesa.es/en/history/

Oil refining




Generation of electric power


Oil refining

ASESA Refinery processes heavy and extra heavy crude oil, to obtain asphalt and distillates.

Asphalt is a finished product ready to be commercialized. The other distillation products are unfinished products that need to be reprocessed to transform them into energy products (gasoline, gas oil and lubricants). The gases obtained in the distillation (a small fraction) are processed and transformed in fuel-gas in the desulfurization treatment plant (located in ASESA Refinery).

Asphalt for paving bitumen

ASESA Refinery produces direct distillation asphalt. Most of ASESA production is used for pavement. ASESA also produces other types of asphalts such as high performance products like emulsified or oxidized asphalt.  

ASESA produces all ranges of commercial products, complying with CE and PG standards, from three pavement asphalt families.

Most of the asphalt used for paving is located on the surface course. This is the road layer in contact with vehicles. Asphalt constitutes approximately  5% of the surface course, the other 95% is specific granulometry arid.

The road use design and the regional climate are the principal parameters for choosing the asphalt type, different types of asphalt provide the road with the mechanical properties required in its complex design.

ASESA’s asphalts are consumed in European, American and African asphalt markets


ASESA is an important logistics operator of the Port of Tarragona that manages, under concession, a port facility through which it receives and issues the vast majority of its raw materials and finished products, respectively with a volume of operations of more than two million tons per year.

ASESA’s Port Facility, adjacent to the “Muelle Andalucía”, has three docks with different depths for different sizes and types of ships:

  • Dock P-6, with capacity for ships with a maximum displacement of 8,600 tons and a load arm.
  • Dock P-20, with capacity for ships with a maximum displacement of 26,000 tm and two load arms.
  • Dock P-100, with capacity for ships with a maximum displacement of 180,000 tm and four load arms.

ASESA also loads ships from other Companies in its port facility, this allows companies access to more efficient transportation.

ASESA operates a truckload of asphalt bitumen tankers with a load capacity of 250,000 tons per year, which has four independent loading platforms and from which it supplies asphalt bitumen for the Spanish domestic market and the European market.

Electric power generation

High efficiency Combined Cycle Cogeneration with 14.25 MWh electrical power capacity.

ASESA’s Combined Cycle Cogeneration uses natural gas to generate thermal energy. This energy is used to produce the steam necessities (production process and heating) and heat the thermic oil necessary to maintain the storage asphalt temperature. ASESA’s Combined Cycle Cogeneration also exports generated electricity (14.25 MWh) to the external electrical grid. 

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