977 55 30 73 asesa@asesa.es



In our news section you can check all the news about our company and about our sector. We periodically update the section to keep you up to date and so you can be updated. ASESA is a company that is dedicated to oil refining and is governed by quality standards that seek excellence in all areas. We do it always taking into account the pursuit of maximum respect for the environment and pursuing sustainability.

Noticias ASESA

If you do not want to miss our news follow our contact section of the website. For any questions you can also send us an email to asesa@asesa.es. We will always try to answer you as soon as possible.


Awards, news, news, interests and much more in our news section of the web. If you are interested in the world of logistics, electricity generation or oil production, do not hesitate to follow us.


We develop our refining activity based on the continuous orientation to a value contribution based on innovation, efficiency and sustainability. We have an incontestable commitment to continuous improvement and our team works to always obtain excellence in all work processes. With this premise, we made a firm commitment in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, with participation in various local projects. We maintain a commitment to society, which we want to consolidate as a hallmark of our company.

We have large capacity port facilities, with three docking platforms and different drafts.

ASESA participates in the Tarragona Job Fair

ASESA participates in the Tarragona Job Fair

On 16 March, ASESA was a major participant in the eighth edition of the Tarragona Job Fair as it was one of the entities that lent its support to this initiative of the Chamber whose purpose is to put hiring companies in contact with people actively seeking...

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Recognition of Umivale Activa

Recognition of Umivale Activa

On the occasion of the centenary of its mutual insurance company predecessors, Umivale Activa wanted to pay tribute to ASESA for the trust that our company has placed in it for so many years. For this purpose, on 3 March, representatives from the mutual insurance...

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Asesa’s commitent to dual vocational training

Asesa’s commitent to dual vocational training

On 2 February, ASESA took part in the annual meeting between the first year students of the Advanced Vocational Qualification in Chemical Industry at the Comte de Rius institute of higher education and companies in the chemical sector in Tarragona that regularly...

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Food collection campaign

Food collection campaign

The full amount contributed by ASESA staff to the food collection campaign promoted every year by the company's Festivities Committee in collaboration with the Red Cross was handed over on 22 December. In addition to the contribution made by the staff, the company...

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Exceptional operating procedure at the dock

Exceptional operating procedure at the dock

On May 14, ASESA’s installations in the Port of Tarragona admitted one of the largest boats of its history. The Leni P oil tanker, with a length of 274.39 metres and a beam of 48.03 metres and with a load capacity of 158,000 tons, is one of the largest operations that...

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Visit of students from URV

Visit of students from URV

Visit of students from URV04/03/20ASESA hosted on 25 February and 3 March, the visit of two groups of second-year students of the Degree in Chemical Engineering of the ETSEQ of the Rovira i Virgili University. Both groups received an explanation about our production...

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ASESA and its employees provide support to La Muntanyeta

ASESA and its employees provide support to La Muntanyeta

The workers at the Asfaltos Españoles SA company have recently provided their support to the La Muntanyeta Provincial Cerebral Palsy Association (PCPA) by making a financial contribution for the second consecutive year. The donation is the result of the Teaming...

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